Friday, March 18, 2011

My Favorite Place

I’ve read in the online newsletter of Reader's Digest that one of the ways to combat stress is to find a sanctuary. It says, “We all need our spot, just one, no matter how small, that’s all ours. Once you find it, make it your instant retreat.”

This is mine:

This is the adoration chapel of Our Lady of Pentecost Church in Loyola Heights, Quezon City. This is where I go when laughter is hard to come by, the tear ducts are overflowing, and disappointments come aplenty from people I counted on. I sit in silence, and as I do, the universe is being re-arranged to make things a bit easier for my heart. External re-arrangements might not happen, but radical shifts are occurring internally. The things that weigh me down are now seen in a different light. Problems have lost their intimidating powers. They are dissolved into life’s gentle reminders for me to keep on growing and evolving into someone better.  And then there comes peace. Peace in knowing that “wherever I am in my life right now, things will get better. Because it really does.”

When I leave my sanctuary, the world is still the same. But I'm not. I'm stronger.

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